Iowa's Courthouses: Woodbury County

Start page: Doors

A view of the northeast corner, includes entrances to the east and north. The tower can be seen from this angle.
Built with Prairie School architectural style
A view of the east entrance. Stone carvings are on both sides above the entrance, and text "Justice and Humanity" are centered on the second floor
Cornerstone "Woodbury County Court House 1916"
Built in 1916 by W.L. Steele, Architect; Purcell and Elmslie, assoc. architects
A view of the north entrance with elaborate stone carvings above the entrance, and text "Justice and Peace have met together. Truth has sprung out of the earth"

Iowa Courthouses blog: Woodbury County

Iowa's Courthouses
Civil War Memorials
Statue of Liberty replicas
Architectural styles
Construction materials
Photography links
"Everywhere" on Youtube
 lyrics with directions!

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Courthouse Treasure Hunt
Credits & References
About the Traveler/Author

Woodbury County Website

Iowa Judicial Branch: Woodbury County Courthouse History
National  Register of Historical Places: Added in 1973
Clinton County and courthouse history: My Iowa Genealogy
Postcard images, includes 1878 courthouse:

Photos were taken September 21, 2008 around 2:20 p.m. Construction across the street prevented wide views of the east entrance. We returned on November 1, 2008 around 12:45 for additional photos.