Iowa's Courthouses: Johnson County

Start page: Doors

Plaque with profile of Abraham Lincoln, with Emancipation Proclamation text A from the northeast. The dark glass and dark brown bricks provide a tall vertical focal point around the entrance. The flagpole and trees are reflected in the dark glass. The city's water tower is in the background.
Cornerstone includes achitects, engineers, and board of supervisors.
Built 1899 by Rush, Bowman & Co.
View of east side of courthouse, includes tower
Courthouse design used Shingle and  Romanesque architecture

Iowa Courthouses blog: Johnson County

Iowa's Courthouses
Civil War Memorials
Statue of Liberty replicas
Architectural styles
Construction materials
Photography links
"Everywhere" on Youtube
 lyrics with directions!

Join the Journey!
Courthouse Treasure Hunt
Credits & References
About the Traveler/Author

Johnson County Website

Iowa Judicial Branch: Johnson County Courthouse History
National  Register of Historical Places: Added in 1975
Johnson County and courthouse history: My Iowa Genealogy
Postcard images, includes 1856 Courthouse:

These photos were taken on September 14, 2008 around 1:50 p.m. We had visited five courthouses, went to a dog jog in Iowa City with the girls, then visited the Johnson County courthouse afterwards.