- Personal email:
- Adams County
- Diane Bovaird, Adams County Election Clerk
- Mary Miller, Adams County Recorder
- Black Hawk County
- Nancy Lemon, Black Hawk
- Carroll County
- Joan Schettler, Carroll County Auditor
- Marilyn Dopheide, Carroll County
- Cedar County
- Cari Gritton, Cedar County Auditor
- Cerro Gordo County
- Tom Drzycimski, AICP, Cerro Gordo
County Planning & Zoning
- Cherokee County:
- Sharon Henkel, Cherokee County Auditor's
- Robert Hart, Cherokee County Asessor
- Guthrie County
- Tristen Richard, Deputy Guthrie County
- Kossuth County
- Richard Schiek, Kossuth County Engineer
- Karen Benschoter, Kossuth County Recorder
- Mills County
- Vicki McClintic, Mills County Recorder
- Pottawattamie County
- John Sciortino, Pottawattamie County
- References:
- Gebhard, David and Gerald Mansheim (1995). Buildings of Iowa. Oxford
University Press.
- Shank, Wesley I. (1999).
Iowa's historic architects: A biographical dictionary. Iowa
City: University of Iowa Press.
- Stanek, Edward & Jacqueline. (1976). Iowa's magnificent
county courthouses. Des Moines: Wallace-Homestead Book Co.
- Pratt, LeRoy G. (1977). The
counties and courthouses of Iowa. Klipto Printing & Office
Supply Company: Mason City, Iowa.
- Interview/Tour
- Madison County
- Bob Weeks, Madison County Supervisor
- Montgomery County
- Greg Dickerson, Maintenance Manager
- Page County
- Judy Clark, Page County Auditor
- Guidance and encouragement:
- Gary Hefty: countless hours of planning
routes and
- Dr. Lynn E. Nielsen, University of Northern
Iowa: extensive web site review and support
- Slater Public Library staff: research