Iowa's Courthouses: Carroll County

Start page: Doors

A view of the southeast side of the courthouse. Text "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" in raised text near the roof South side of the courthouse, with flowered landscape in the foreground
The north side of the building. A bell from the previous courthouse is in the foreground
Built in 1964 by architects John Latenser & Sons
A view of the northeast side of the courthouse. A flag is seen on the east side of the lawn

Iowa Courthouses blog: Carroll County

Iowa's Courthouses
Civil War Memorials
Statue of Liberty replicas
Architectural styles
Construction materials
Photography links
"Everywhere" on Youtube
 lyrics with directions!

Join the Journey!
Courthouse Treasure Hunt
Credits & References
About the Traveler/Author

Carroll County Website

Iowa Judicial Branch: Carroll County Courthouse History
Carroll County and courthouse history: My Iowa Genealogy
Postcard images, including views of 1887 courthouses:

Photos taken August 29 at about 1:00 p.m.

(information obtained with assistance from Joan Schettler, Carroll County Auditor and Marilyn Dopheide, Carroll County Recorder/Registrar; and the web links above)